Israel is in trouble!

If you’ve been reading or watching the hysterical “news” coverage of the Russian conflict with Ukraine, that I wrote about years ago, and the piling on virtue signaling of western businesses that are stopping doing business in Russia, you may have noticed what you haven’t heard much about… Israel. Why?
It’s because the Israelis are much smarter than the fools running this country (into the ground) by attacking Russia with non-stop sanctions. This creates the illusion that the United States and many other western countries are fighting back against the “evil, despotic, tyrannical, dictator, autocratic, sinister, fascist, communist, authoritarian, thug, etc.” President Putin.
I’m sure that the Russian press uses similar descriptors about President Biden, including senile, demented, doddering, disoriented, shuffling and so on. That will never be reported on here.
Unfortunately, the western countries know that the sanctions are all (reelect me) show and will do little good. By the time they will bite, the war, invasion, struggle, conflict, incursion, foray, attack, liberation, assault, etc. will be long over and Russia will install its Russia friendly government (regime) in Ukraine in a similar way that the US installed its governments (regimes) in Vietnam, Afghanistan and other countries.
Read this made for TV story about our government trying to overthrow the Venezuelan (regime) government. It’s at the end of the article.
What the Israelis are worried about, which is why they have been very quiet, is that Russia may quietly threaten to send captured Stinger surface to air missiles, and Javelin anti-tank weapons to Iran, as a friendly gesture… in the name of peace. These have been rushed to Ukraine to shoot down Russian aircraft, and destroy their armor. So where there is haste, there is waste and sloppiness.
For some reason the Russians are not happy with the west sending weapons to Ukraine to kill Russians. Imagine that?
Those Stinger shoulder fired missiles may be used to shoot down Israeli jets that are conducting “peaceful” bombing missions on Iran and other geographies. The Javelins may be used against Israeli armor and soldiers.
Or that some of the Ukrainian criminal gangs, that are being given free automatic weapons (theoretically to fight the Russians) among other uses and will steal as many Stinger missiles as they can. They can be sold to organizations that are very hostile to the west for large amounts of cash. Fortunately for them, helpful YouTube videos explain how to fire them! Who knows where they’ll be used?
I don’t think that the Israelis will like US and British missiles being used to shoot down their airplanes and destroy their armored vehicles. Do you?
Their other concern is that the Russians will quietly tell Washington that unless the west stops these annoying sanctions and support of Ukraine (as Ukraine has continued to insist that US nukes could be placed on the Russian border, by joining NATO), they will sign a treaty with Iran to defend them against Israel.
The Russians may install military installations in Iran, and locate nuclear weapons like the NATO plan is for installation in Ukraine pointing at Russia. Unfortunately, they may be “stolen” by Iran and used as an offensive option, a very serious concern for Israel!
That will get Washington’s attention, and Ukraine will be forgotten like Afghanistan since the war is just a proxy with Ukrainian civilians suffering. The defense industries will complain since they thought they would be making huge ongoing profits from replenishing supplies for years, rather than a single event.
And that’s completely ignoring that sanctioning Russia has economic blowback to the west.
China also remains quiet (and hasn’t even taken Taiwan, a missed opportunity during the Ukraine distraction) since they’ll act as broker to supply the west with Russian goods reducing the impact of the foolish, pointless sanctions. We won’t mess with China, since Walmart and many other US companies may go bankrupt as they won’t have cheap Chinese goods to sell!
And if you think inflation is bad now, wait until the cost of Chinese goods skyrocket.
That is unlikely to happen or the Democrats know that they will lose seats in the mid-term elections and that matters far more than what happens to Ukraine or Taiwan. Being reelected is by far the most important matter for politicians.
Ukraine’s president, Zelenskyy will be long forgotten if he is evacuated (running for it), or will be captured and will vanish into the Russian “criminal justice” system. I’m sure that Swiss bank deposits (compliments of the FSB) with his name on them will change the public’s attitude about him.
As you can see from the video every country is linked to the others.
If this madness continues, the whole planet will be at risk! Time for Eladios. At least the good news is that Covid has stopped being the daily headline, since it’s old news and nobody cares except Pfizer.
We shall see.