If the Republicans get their way…

As you know, there is no love lost between the Democrats and the Republicans. The latest episode in this never-ending soap opera is President Trump’s impeachment. This multi-part made for TV soap opera is about the House, (the “grand jury“) controlled by the Democrats and the Senate (that holds the “trial”) controlled by the Republicans.
It goes without saying that President Trump will be exonerated as the “trial” requires a 2/3 majority vote to remove a president. As the senator votes will be made public, there isn’t a chance that they’d risk losing their jobs over this, so the Republicans will vote not guilty and the Democrats, guilty… about 50/50. It’s called me first… and the country… a long way down the list.
So the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi has decided to wait to transfer the indictment to the Senate for (what passes for) the trial. Why? Because she wants to time the trial for the biggest negative impact on the president, and to help Joe Biden who will almost certainly win the nomination for the Democratic candidate for president. Why?
Biden raises more money, and since almost always, whomever can afford the most advertising and TV coverage will win.
Few voters take the time to actually pay that much attention to the candidates, but vote on name recognition or who is near the top of the ballot list in each race.
Those few who research the candidates don’t matter. That’s how Trump won. He was the court jester of the candidates, but as the press gave him over two billion dollars in free coverage, he actually won! It’s all about name recognition.
Biden is very well known and, for example, Andrew Yang (another alleged candidate) isn’t. In my opinion, Yang just wants to run for another office later, but needs to collect enough money as a “presidential candidate” to keep and use in another race. Yes, it’s allowed. Will he give a pro-rated refund to his donors instead? You can answer that question.
As an aside, it wasn’t until 1989 that federal politicians were blocked from using left over political donations for personal use after they left office. They could buy a house, use it for vacations, buy nice cars and so on! Now they can give it to charity, or even give it to other candidates so they can continue to influence using other people’s money. Anything, but spend it on themselves.
The problem that Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker, has is that Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, will either have a no-witness rubber stamp “trial,” or will only allow pro-Trump witnesses such as Rudy Giuliani who has been busy in Ukraine, PLUS Joe Biden and his son so they can be crucified in public.
The lawyers will rip into the Bidens’ for the $900,000 in “consulting fees” that, according to reports, Joe Biden received in Ukraine and $50,000 a month “consulting fees” that Hunter, his son received “working” for Burisma. That will seriously shame the Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, and show the public that politicians are in it for the money and power first, and the public good far down the list.
At least our president doesn’t hide his corruption, but his supporters continue to support as they “believe.” The other pretend they aren’t corrupt and do their best to hide using smoke and mirrors.
Joe Biden has already said that he will refuse to appear and risk fines and other punishment. Why should he care… I think that he can pay the fines with donors money.
That will be the end of Joe Biden for president, and since it’s an either or race, on a single day in November, President Trump will be reelected.
In Utah they used to offer the condemned prisoner the choice of firing squad or hanging. The result was the same. We have Trump and, soon to be, Joe Biden. Take your poison.
I despair for our United States. One can only hope that the ship is so big that no amount of children squabbling on the bridge will cause it to hit the iceberg.
Don’t worry for our politicians, they’ll be first into the lifeboats clutching their cocktails. On the other hand…
We shall see.