If the Democrats get their way…

No they won’t but not for the reasons you may think… it’s all about the money. Always was, and always will be.
The House of Representatives majority Democrats hope to impeach; find President Trump guilty in the Senate and kick him to the curb. They know that it won’t happen, as Mitch McConnell runs the Senate and the Republicans are in the majority there.
The real reason for impeaching President Trump is to tarnish his reputation… as one of the few sitting presidents to be impeached. From the Democrats point of view, that’s a big win.
They know that he is very sensitive to how people see him; as he was god in the Trump empire before becoming president. What he said was law. If you didn’t like it, you were fired, and possibly sued. Not-so-much in the president’s job.
He still thinks that, as president, he is omnipotent and the self proclaimed “… greatest of all presidents.” He imagines that he is Zeus in Washington.
He just doesn’t understand.
So the very expensive soap opera continues. Why? Other than damaging the president’s ego, the players become famous. That will help them with their job prospects after they saunter out of political office, for those million dollars a year consulting and lobbying jobs. What’s not to like?
The reason that the Senate will find President Trump not guilty is that the Republican senators will risk being defeated during their re-election cycle. One third of senators will be up for reelection and a good many, twenty three, are Republicans.
Each and every Republican incumbent knows that voting guilty will destroy their chances of re-election. Since Washington is “me first,” (even Rand Paul) they’ll all vote not guilty.
No re-election, no more money! At least from the bottomless pit of federal money.
As our politicians are far more interested in keeping their faces in the public trough, it’s “me first,” like our president, followed by donors, PACs, and companies that the senators do favors for.
The retired congress people and senators will be hired for a million dollars a year when they eventually leave. That’s why there are “Boards of Directors.” Don’t forget a substantial federal pension of up to $11,600 a month… and finally the pesky and annoying public… number 382 on the list.
Another example, in the news at this moment. San Diego congressman, Duncan Hunter, finally plead guilty to using campaign funds for personal use after taking a year fighting the charges, claiming his innocence. Why? He made an extra ~$175,000 a year salary plus his resignation letter timed for January 2020 is to give him another full year in office, thus increasing his congressional pension. It’s all about the money.
I listen to C-Span’s Washington Journal most mornings at 7 am EST. Democrat callers blast the Republican callers and the Republican callers do the opposite.
They don’t realize that they are just entertainment, and none of the comments make the slightest bit of difference to anyone. It’s just venting. Venting and a few dollars buys a nice cup of coffee.
The public are nothing to Washington, except to row the boat until the boat sinks… and then they’ll drown. Don’t worry; our politicians will find more supporters to row.
So the only way for the senators to vote their conscience is to make the vote secret. That will never happens, so our president will tout how innocent he is for being found “not guilty,” although he’ll always be known as being impeached.
That’s the whole point from the Democrats point of view… and then we’ll move on to our next crisis.
Don’t worry, I think that the State of New York is lining up indictments against his children and the president won’t be able to pardon them after being found guilty.
He could make a secret deal to not run for a second term, due to “health problems,” in which case New York will decide not be bring charges and the Trump family will just go away… far richer than before.
Of course, all of the private, secret, prearranged Trump empire deals with foreign governments will be triggered after since he won’t be a sitting president.
And the public will continue to argue on C-Span, while our politicians laugh at how stupid they are while they are getting richer.