I take full responsibility…

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As you may have seen,  Secretary Kathleen Sebelius has taken “responsibility” and is “accountable” for the Obamacare web site debacle, a web site that has cost you hundreds of millions of dollars to develop! Why so expensive? It’s our government, where money grows on trees so price is no object.

Sadly, this rhetorical noise has been thrown around for years. Bill Clinton made a well known comment –

Unfortunately, being responsible and being held accountable in Washington means nothing at all. It’s a slogan, that with $5 buys her a nice cup of coffee. I wrote about this before. Read it here.

Accountability means resigning or being fired. So why doesn’t Secretary Sebelius resign? It’s because we pay her $199,700 a year to bungle her job. That’s $16,642 a month. Would you quit?