How to fix the “Assault weapons” issue… it’s simple

For some reason, our self centered politicians have not thought of the simple method to resolve the assault weapons debate. Let’s be clear… these rifles are not assault weapons. They look like them, but are single shot rifles. Unlike automatic weapons they don’t fire bursts of shots, just one bullet for one trigger pull. The rarely mentioned “problem” is that they can have very large magazines, so lots and lots of trigger pulls… very quickly
So here are two either/or solutions –
One, create a law that new weapons must have a fixed magazine which cannot be removed so there isn’t a way to load more than five or six cartridges at a time. That will be a slow process so it will solve the rapid fire problem.
Two, create a sale or transfer tax of up to $5,000, which will instantly stop or dramatically slowdown the transfer or purchase of these “assault'” weapons with removable magazines.
Include a mandatory annual tax, similar to car registration fees. If the owner converts the removable (using certified gunsmiths) to a fixed magazine, as in “one” above, refund the transfer or purchase tax.
Money speaks louder than ammunition.
Neither method has an impact on the Second Amendment, that is almost impossible to change, but it will accomplish the same result.
For those lawmakers who will be automatically against any proposal, since they are all self centered, both Democrats and Republicans as both are interested in “what’s in it for me,” add a buried sentence to the complex taxation legislation.
Complex as it’s a good way of hiding what you don’t want people to know. I’m sure that the complicit press will be happy to keep it secret.
Speaking of secret, if you don’t think that our politicians are self-centered, and that Congress is not full of corruption, it took years to pass a law blocking them from insider trading of stocks. How? They knew committee recommendations could dramatically cause a class of stocks to move, so they could buy or short them before public knowledge. Read about this law, vaguely worded, and a descriptive article.
Nowadays, the press editorializes everything and their secret is just not to report anything they don’t like, so you only read or watch filtered “news.”
One half of the proceeds will be sent to those states where the sales or transfers occur and dispersed to the elected congress-people divided equally among those who voted for it, and that they can use the money for any campaign purpose. Yes, it’s a back door bribe incentive, but greed will overtake principles.
After all, these are politicians and reelection is all that matters to them… with lots of money on the side.