How to end the government shutdown in a day or two

For selfish reasons, our alleged “leaders” including President Trump do not want to end the government employee shutdown over funding the “wall.” Why? Because our president is used to barking orders and his employees either do what he wants or, as he likes to do, be “fired.” That doesn’t work in government since he isn’t king or emperor yet, as the legislators are not employees. He doesn’t quite understand that. I’m not surprised.

The Democrats want to swap $5.7 billion (five thousand, nine hundred million (borrowed) dollars for permanent residency (and citizenship) under the DACA and similar programs. Why? They will become future voters and will gratefully vote Democrat as a block. It’s called forward planning.
So we have a stalemate and a huge number of federal employees, including the border patrol are not being paid. So not only are most considered non-essential and stay at home binge watching TV or on quick vacations, but many government programs and processes are halted as well. So, here’s how to fix it and sidestep these well paid children in Washington from throwing temper tantrums.
As an aside, about five years ago when we we were heading for an earlier government shutdown I bought nearly 600 baby pacifiers and sent one to each member of the House and Senate. I told them if they wanted to act like babies, then to put my gift in their mouths. I only heard from one congressman who thought it was funny.
It didn’t do any good. Imagine that!

I urge you and your friends to send one to our president and one to Speaker Pelosi depending on who you hate. If they get a million each, perhaps they’ll wake up. Or maybe not.
If interested, let me know and I’ll setup a quick pacifier e-commerce site and I’ll send them. I’ll make some money from it, but this is America and it’s my idea.
So, here’s the fix. First make all non-essential employees essential. That will get them back to work the next day, so the government shutdown will end instantly.
Second, since Congress has already passed a quick bill to back pay the government employees, have them assign (if they opt-in) those paychecks to our co-operative banks, such as Chase, Citi and Bank America. The banks will loan them their net back pay and future checks at 1% a month interest. When they eventually go back to work with pay, our government will payback the guaranteed loans directly to the banks.
It will all be done online, so after a day or two of programming effort by a fourteen year old it will be resolved and this “crisis” will be history.
It’s called side-stepping the problem so that we won’t have to hear the babies in Washington squealing. I’m tired of it.
I would not ask government employees to get loans through banks or credit unions to tide them over, as they’ll be tempted to spend that on “stuff” and when they finally get their back pay, not pay the loan back. We have so many shiny toys to buy on the internet that in many instances, the temporary loan money will be gone and not for its intended purpose.
As another aside, I think that many people think that the wall, barrier, fence or whatever it’s called this week will stop anyone entering our country. It won’t. Not only will the actual “wall” cost at least $25 billion, not the $5.7 billion down-payment, but it will be a total waste of money. That’s something our government is good at, as they can just print as much as they want.
Why won’t the wall help?
If the “wall” is 25 foot high, the Mexican stores on their side of the borders will be selling 30 foot ladders, with attached rope ladders for the other side. It will just be a nuisance, as the wall will be so long that it won’t have border patrol agents on our side waiting for the border crossers.
Our government also has to buy the land using eminent domain (ignoring what to do about the Indian reservations on the border), or try to seize it as they have tried to do in the past and have been met with many lawsuits. So it’s a five to ten year project. It will accomplish nothing, but our president will have his wall and will be long gone when it’s written off as useless.

Other than most of the illicit drugs enter the U.S. through legal ports of entry, small time smugglers will use drone clusters to fly 20+ lbs of high dollar density drugs (cocaine/fentanyl or whatever’s popular here) to people on our side. The walls won’t even be noticed. Further, those drones will be used to watch for the border patrol to avoid be caught smuggling drugs or people, and with the aid of cameras on the Mexican side recording the steel barrier with convenient open slat, and with clocks be used to establish border patrol patterns. It easier to fast forward a recording to see when the border patrol passes and establish a routine, than sitting and watching.
Incidentally, our existing border walls are, for the most part, not even on the border but inside the United States! Why? I’ve written about that here.
So what’s the real fix, that our dumb congresspeople don’t want to do? It an enhanced e-verify with photographs to stop illegal entrants from getting jobs here. No jobs, no immigrants. They don’t want that, as it will increase our cost of living and that will threaten their cushy jobs.
Get rid of primary elections, block accumulation of Candidate Campaign Committees funds to fund reelections forever, introduce cascading voting and you’ll solve that problem as well. The chances of that… zero.