How Russia can win in Ukraine

Of course, this should happen if the Russians develop some sense, and here’s how they can do it.
As you know, the Russians expected a quick victory, to stop Ukraine joining NATO and having U.S. nuclear weapons on the Russian border.
Unfortunately, the Russian generals were apparently more interested in strutting around in their fancy generals uniforms than doing contingency planning. And because the U.S. and its NATO supplicants thought that it wasn’t a good idea for Russia to win easily, it has become a far more difficult conflict.
Bad for the Ukrainian civilians, but good for the arms industries.
So rather than a quick incursion, with President Zelenskyy running for it to Southern California, where the top level people ran to when Saigon, Vietnam fell, he decided to use his acting skills to continually beg for free weapons (and lots of money) over video links so he (or rather his soldiers) could kill Russians.
And the west, under U.S. pressure and lots of alcohol, fell for it! To paraphrase Forrest Gump from his 1994 movie, Stupid is, as stupid does!
Perhaps Zelenskyy is the new Svengali or Rasputin. And no, I not thinking Ras-Putin. Zelenskyy is constantly begging for larger and larger weapons to force NATO into a direct confrontation with Russia. And the idiots in NATO are doing what they are told, like lap dogs!
Shame on them. I don’t understand how the western leaders has bowed under pressure to President Biden so that all things Russian are evil and that they are giving huge numbers of weapons to Zelenskyy which is resulting in a prolonged conflict and possibly tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainian civilians killed.
If you think that President Zelenskyy is angelic and perfect, read about him in the Pandora Papers. You’ll be shocked and Zelenskyy will quickly go from hero to zero in your mind.
Ukraine has a reputation for being one of the top ten corrupt countries. If the Pandora Papers reporting is correct, how did the President Zelenskyy have a net worth of over $500 million U.S. dollars? From acting or being a comedian, or by saving his ~$1,000 USD a month salary? Only the losers in a war are scrutinized afterwards, so Zelenskyy must win. He hopes.
So now, the Russians are now not pleased with Zelenskyy, NATO or the U.S.!
And this kerfuffle has become a real conflict resulting in thousands of civilians (and Russian/Ukrainian soldiers) dying and being injured, Ukraine continues to be physically destroyed and Zelenskyy continuing to beg the boot licking alleged leaders of the free world to continue to ship him billions and billions of dollars worth of free lethal toys to continue the destruction.
The western press and politicians became hypnotized by Zelenskyy, who can do no wrong and Russia (especially the “EVIL,” “Hitler wannabe” Putin) who can do no right! The western media has become a total propaganda machine for the U.S. government!
And if you think that my government is perfect, read this story from a prior war that the U.S. lost, like almost all “conflicts” my country blunders into as my government likes to call them.
Even Boris Johnson, the UK Prime Minister became a boot licker by visiting Zelenskyy in Kyiv hoping to appear Churchillian and avoid being voted out of office because of “Partygate.” Evidently Johnson doesn’t know that Winston Churchill was an abject failure, who accidentally became Prime Minister during the Second World War and almost got thrown out after a series of failures in 1942.
He must have been thrilled to have Russia act when it did, hoping to distract the feeble minded British “news media” so Partygate would be forgotten and he could keep his face in the British money and power trough a little longer.
I note that the president of Hungary, Viktor Orban just won reelection, so China could send weapons to it, and Hungary could ship them across the land border to the Russians in Ukraine using the same two-step technique that the west is doing using Poland as its conduit. That will avoid complaints by the U.S. that China is assisting Russia, so the U.S. could “ignore” the transfer as not direct.
And President Emmanuel Macron tried to become a French hero (and be reelected) as he hoped to broker a peace deal, not because he cared but he is in a neck and neck race with his rival, Marine Le Pen and desperately wants to keep his job and pretend he is a statesman, similar to Boris Johnson.
Let’s hope that Le Pen wins and puts an end to this vicious war nonsense. She will if the French voters have any sense. And they do.
And even President Biden, or actually his advisors who told him what to do and say (without him screwing up his speeches due to his mental degradation) decided to attack Russia with this proxy war in Ukraine. What a mistake… that may lead to a very serious confrontation with Russia… and we all know what that means!
So here’s what Russia will likely do, now that they have a new experienced general in overall charge –
Completely destroy the roads and railway system connecting Poland with Ukraine, obviously just inside the Ukrainian border. That will stop most of the weapons convoys getting into Ukraine. You can’t ship tanks and weapons by Uber, they’ll either be on flat bed trucks or trains. Why that wasn’t done immediately, I have no idea.
If the Russians bomb the weapons convoys in Ukraine that must travel very slowly as the roads will be severely damaged, they’ll be easy targets.
The same for airfields in eastern Ukraine, since apparently U.S. cargo planes (with U.S. military pilots!) are landing there to supply the Ukrainian army in the east. No runways, no supplies. And if one gets shot down, that will create a very, very difficult situation.
We are on a slippery slope!
Now it will or should be and that will stop the toys that Zelenskyy desperately depends on to keep Russia in a stalemate. Stop the flow of weapons, and no more stalemate.
That means eastern Ukraine will fall quickly as the Ukrainian army will suffer the same logistics consequences as Russia did by not having a way to rearm its soldiers. Destroy the ability of the enemy to fight and they will lose.
And the many civilians caught in the middle will survive.
Have the Russians follow our lead… if Ukraine does not capitulate to the Russian demands during the “peace talks” – use the same technique that the U.S. President Johnson used during the Paris peace talks with the North Vietnamese to focus their attention.
Carpet bomb them. It worked when he ordered carpet bombing of Hanoi and it will work in Ukraine. I’m sure that there are military targets in Kyiv that will be targeted.
Naturally the west will be faux outraged, but Russia could ask if the west was outraged when the United States used the same technique – B52 carpet bombing Hanoi. Or its decision to unilaterally invade Iraq citing WMD, that didn’t exist or Syria or Afghanistan? That will shut them up.
So the result of boot licking by the western press, to keep access to our corrupt and stupid politicians – thousand of dead civilians, thousands of dead soldiers (many, Ukrainian civilians who could not leave Ukraine, after being giving rifles and taught how to pull the trigger, so they could “defend” Ukraine), a trashed Ukrainian economy, massive global inflation and food shortages.
Plus a possible global depression, a severe economic trauma to Europe by having the Russian natural gas shut off, with China buying it as needed to support the Russians.
And the only good thing to result from this war – the global offense defense industries will make a huge amount of easy taxpayers money replacing all of the weapons! Time to buy defense stocks.
It goes to show that intelligence is far down the list of the candidate requirements to get elected globally, and keep their jobs.
We shall see.