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I was surprised to hear about a new medal created by our “incredibly brave” drone pilots who risk life and limb, driving to work and sitting in air-conditioned trailers. This in the war ravaged states of Nevada, Nebraska and Virginia. It’s not that I mind that a medal was created, as the military has medals for almost everything, but the audacity of its place in the medal hierarchy makes me wonder if they have gone mad.

What is astonishing is that this medal will be positioned between the Bronze and Silver Star! This is total madness.


Our brave soldiers, who risk life and limb in combat are only awarded these medals for real bravery. According to the report, our drone pilots sitting in air-conditioned rooms, in comfy chairs, will get medals that are designed to be more significant than the Bronze Star!

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The only risky things that these pilots do is deciding if they will try the extra hot sauce on their Mexican lunches.

Total madness. The Pentagon has lost it. Heads should roll.