Has the Israeli government gone mad?

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In a word, no. It is doing what is always has done… thumbing its nose at the rest of the world, because it knows that the United States government has its back.

Two days ago, after the U.N. voted to let the Palestinians be admitted as an observer status member it announced that it would permit an additional 3,000 homes be illegally built in the West Bank with more to come. This will split the proposed Palestinian state into two non-contiguous pieces, thwarting Palestinian statehood goals.

So why did they do this?

Because they can. Because they are determined to control the region, to be the Alpha Dog, and to block the Palestinians from gaining an independent country. That’s why the Israeli government is so afraid of Iran. Iran is far too strong for Israel’s liking It desperately wants our government to be drawn into a war with Iran using our money, blood and tears to do its dirty work. Our government will… eventually. Why? Because our politicians don’t want to lose their jobs.

Until the Israeli government regains its sanity, unlikely while our government lets it act like a spoiled, out-of-control brat it will continue to ferment anger in the Middle East.

Will the Israeli government regain its “sanity”? Not likely, as while our government is condemning Israel for authorizing the home building program on one hand, the other hand is continuing to provide weapons, money and know-how to help them… unconditionally. If our government were to cut them off, they would negotiate honestly and not pretend as they do today.

That won’t happen as our government is spineless. We’ll make a lot of noise, but our perpetual politicians risk being defeated if they don’t tow the line. We need a government that’s fair, just and seriously wants Middle East peace. It doesn’t.

Unfortunately, the “peace process” is a sham, and has been since it began. It’s just scripted theater, that makes lots of noise. The Israeli public wants peace with its neighbors, the Israeli government doesn’t.

Editor’s note, July 29, 2014. This article was written in 2012, long before Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip. I have vacillated about writing another article about the current crisis as I think that my views are known – no matter what Israel does, and inspite of Washington pleading with them to stop, they won’t. Why? Because as “punishment” for ignoring us, we’ll give them more money and weapons. Sad.

This is another example of our long history of foreign policy stupidity.