George W. Bush finally admits it!

Now that our interest in Ukraine has gone far down the (editorialized) news list, succumbing to better entertainment news – baby formula shortage, Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard and Elon Musk’s Twitter adventure, our former, dumb as a fencepost former president, George W. Bush finally admitted the truth!
So the west continually bashes President RasPutin for his “special operation” in Ukraine as he did not want U.S. nukes on his doorstep, in the same way as the U.S. didn’t want Russian nukes in Cuba as a response to U.S. nukes in Turkey in 1962.
That was the future if Ukraine, the third world’s most corrupt country, joined NATO under President Zelenskyy’s “guidance.”
The Russians expected that President Zelenskyy would run with suitcases of cash just like President Ghani was reported as doing in Kabul, Afghanistan. He didn’t (not yet, anyway) and the result has been tens of thousands of deaths, many of whom were civilians, global inflation, threats of mass starvation, saber rattling by NATO, dramatic fuel price increases, a trashed stock market and more, just to name a few consequences.
All to protect Zelenskyy. Do you think he loses any sleep over it? And sadly, as he is Jewish, there is a risk of a future anti-Semitic blowback. Serious blowback.
I’m sure at some point, he’ll resign to “give Ukraine a fresh start,” and leave Ukraine “a hero” for California where he will be untouchable and as cash is so, 1980’s, he’ll have a Bitcoin, Ethereum or Cardano cold wallets stuffed with tokens.
Nobody in the press will ask how he can afford a multi-million dollar estate on his former monthly presidential ~$1,000 salary. And they will ignore the Pandora Papers.
He will be a “third rail.” Touch it and you’ll lose your job writing editorials disguised as news.
For some reason, I don’t remember any western country complaining about the United States invading Iraq claiming the fictitious Weapons of Mass Destruction as the excuse to depose that government. Did you read about NATO countries sending weapons to Iraq to help them defend themselves? Did anyone complain when the U.S. recently tried to get rid of the Venezuelan government?
Plus you can add Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and other countries to the list of “justified” invasions supported by the docile western governments to the never ending list.
It’s not only our current president, who can be excused for lying due to his diminished mental capacity, but former President Bush finally told the truth!
Hard to believe that a politician actually reveals the truth!
We are living in an interconnected world, and Ukraine is the center of the global disruption! Click on the YouTube video to see why…