Forgive Them for They Know Not What They Do…

No, this isn’t a religious article from Luke 23:34. It’s about our politicians, and also many of the “global leaders” shambolically leading us using guesswork and crossed fingers.
It reminds me of an article I wrote about a plastic steering wheel.

That was before the nanny state took over. For some odd reason he rarely made phone calls to talk to people; he drove and visited with them. Gas was cheap back then.
I liked to use my plastic steering wheel, with a dashboard suction cup, so I could pretend that I was steering. Once in a while, I’d turn the wheel at the exactly the same moment as my father turned a corner. I was thrilled. “I was driving the family car.”
It’s the same today but a technique that politicians use. When you visit supermarkets you often see children in the buggies “driving” the cart as if they controlled where it went.
That’s our politicians driving our country.
Sadly President Trump, our self proclaimed genius leader, or Liar-in-Chief, as well as our “world leaders” are turning their plastic steering wheels back and forth, left and right, allegedly solving the Coronavirus pandemic through a variety of trial and error methods.
In other words, guesses.
They will keep trying a variety of methods… anything to pretend although… “They Know Not What They Do”… hoping that eventually the virus goes away or they actually do something productive.
So the reason for all of this “deep concern” is the obvious single minded mantra of reelect me… “I saved your life (through luck and crossed fingers) so I need you (the gullible public) to keep my face buried deep in the public money trough for as long as possible, plus I get a huge pension.” Not spoken, but thought about all of the time… “I love the smell of trillions of dollars, pounds sterling, euros, whatever, plus the power.”
For example, in England the mantra was two meters of separation, social distancing, about six and a half feet. Recently, it was changed to one meter. Why? Lost revenue. Businesses were screaming that they couldn’t pack them in; that they couldn’t make enough money using the two meter rule, so it was changed to one meter.
So if the two meter rule was really important, why was it changed to one meter? Money. So two meters became one meter as the golden rule. Just like flipping a coin, heads it’s two and tails it’s one. Tails won, the public loses.
Dr. Fauci, our corona virus guru kept insisting that the public did not need to wear masks, and now he says the opposite. Why? Early on, there weren’t many masks available so he didn’t want the medical community to not have access so the public be damned. Now they have them, he says the opposite and hopes that the public has forgotten his initial comments. Mostly they have.
Watch this and be surprised –
The airlines promised to social distance by keeping middle seats empty, even though passengers in rows in front and behind a person were still close. When they found that they couldn’t make enough money, which was obvious, they abandoned or are abandoning the virtue signalling scheme and going back to “pack them in.”
I was on an American Airlines flight a few weeks ago and transferred to a “less crowded plane.” We were packed in, really packed and I only saw two empty seats! I wonder what less crowded meant?

It’s the same here. Lot’s of darts being thrown hoping to hit the bullseye. If our politicians throw enough darts they will eventually hit it… by accident. And then our leaders will ignore or instantly forget the zillion misses and focus on how clever they were to hit that bullseye. When President Trump claims success he will say that it was the first attempt, and fake news or not being fair to him if refuted. Denying this will be described as evil or nasty Democrats.
It’s all just like my steering wheel turning when I was a kid. Once in a while, I got it right.
Watch this as an example of our politicians in action, chasing after our money.
President Trump’s method is to make a lot of statements knowing that if he makes enough, one will eventually be right. Then he can claim he never made the other stories up and you hopefully won’t notice. You probably won’t.
He hopes.
For example, if he is asked what 3+1 is, he may say 31 and insist on it, calling everyone who disagrees “fake news,” a hoax or Democrats, until the question is morphed into 3…1, forgetting the plus and then he’s right.
This is the technique –
1 Lie
2 Lie some more
3 Lie a lot more
4 Claim that the media isn’t fair, publishing a hoax or fake news.
5 Rework the original lie using 20/20 hindsight so that he’s a genius, or jeanius as he may spell it.
6 Blame the Democrats.
What a mess we are in.
Where’s my steering wheel?