Forgive him, he knows not what he does!

Of course, this is a biblical reference to Luke 23:34, but applies to our obviously senile president, the man with his finger on the nuclear trigger! President Biden has just committed $800 million more in lethal aid to Ukraine so that a lot more soldiers on both sides will die plus possibly tens of thousands of civilians. The civilians will be labeled collateral damage, as all attacks on both sides will always be “military targets” no matter what reality is.
Ukraine has quickly become a proxy war.
I suspect many of these free lethal toys will make their way onto the black market, since Ukraine is one of the world’s top corrupt nations so the good stuff will be sold to groups for a huge profit! Will this become 9/11 all over again? If it does, the Republicans will blame the Democrats and vice versa (and vote them, whomever they are, out.) Business as usual in the United States.
The world is going mad, and (due to his evident diminished capacity) President Biden has been easily seduced by President Zelenskyy, and that will only get worse. Zelenskyy has become Biden’s Rasputin, and I don’t mean a Ras Putin!
So if you think that President Biden is not mentally going downhill fast, really fast, and does not need to live at an assisted living facility, watch this!
Stop the world, I want to get off!