Do Black Lives Matter?

Of course they do, as do Caucasian, Hispanic, Asian and all. The point is, why has the death of George Floyd caused such an uproar in the United States and the politicians worshiping the Black Lives Matter movement? I can only think of one thing –
It’s an election year.
This year is very important. We will vote for president. We will vote for all of the House of Representative members and we will vote for one-third of the senators.
It’s a big deal.
As you may have finally realized, being in Washington is a business where you can make a lot of money if you are a politician. You make nearly $15,000 a month. You have access to company presidents so you can do them favors. Those favors are returned, by the former politicians becoming consultants to those companies and joining boards of directors at a later time.
Plus a very generous pension, if you last five years in the job. Most do, as our entire electoral system was corrupted years ago to keep those in, in and those out, out.
In other words, you are made as long as you stay in power, and that’s what matters. Our politicians will tell the public any lies that they want to hear until the day after the election. And then they they will forget their lies and continue to cater to the rich.
The Republicans will blame the Democrats for blocking the giveaways and vice versa. They will have cocktails together in Washington and laugh about how gullible the American public is… they’ll believe anything. Up is down and down is up.
In normal times, from our politicians point of view, black lives don’t matter, nor does any other group unless it’s an election year. What matters is staying in the job.
So many of our politicians will embrace the Black Lives Matters movement, especially if their reelection race is competitive… until the day after the November election. Then they will immediately lose interest and all of the promises, empathy and motivations will vanish.
Why will they lose interest in the plight of the minorities? Because they are minorities without money. And as our planet’s blood is money, if you have it you are treated nicely, and if not… “I can’t breathe!”
That’s why a disproportionate number of minorities are in prison. They are easy pickings for the prosecutors as they can’t afford expensive lawyers. Asians are not, as they have money, and the last thing a prosecutor wants is a court fight. Too much effort and they may lose! They must win in court or get a plea bargain.
Losing is disastrous for a prosecutor’s career, ignoring guilt or innocence as that doesn’t really matter.
Minorities are easy pickings for the police as well, as arrests and subsequent convictions, usually plea bargains where the defendant is screwed by the system, are markers for the police as “doing a good job” so deserve promotions. That’s more money for the police officers and the police budgets.
And as the prosecutors career paths into politics are enhanced by a “tough on crime” stance, it’s good for all, except the one who “… can’t breathe.”
You may have heard that – We are a nation of laws. Not true, We are a nation of laws, selectively applied.
You may have noticed that the TV national news no longer pays much attention to Coronavirus after months of 100% coverage? As, I suspect, many daily TV news viewers have stopped watching the news and the ads because of the perpetual drumbeat of “we are all going to die,” the TV news media has moved onto the new “must watch…” marches and rioting.
Anything to get the viewers back and sell advertising.
The public will soon forget all about George Floyd, as we’ll have a few more crises that will diminish interest in him and it will be business as usual.
Am I wrong? I doubt it, but we shall see.