Djokovic and Australian corruption

You may have read or watched the news that the world’s number one tennis player, Novak Djokovic has been denied entry to play in the Australian Open where he may win his 10th Australian Grand Slam tennis competition, and twenty in total.
He hasn’t been vaccinated and only obtained a “medical exemption.”
So the Australian politicians have a problem, as it needs to “virtue signal.” The vast majority of Australians have complied with its government by getting vaccinated, whether they wanted to or not. So how could they allow this famous tennis player in using a “medical exemption?” It was time for “smoke and mirrors” to show how “serious” the Australian politicians are.
As the Australian politicians are similar to our politicians, that is being reelected is all important and the public be damned, I suspect that they will use the – “it’s not our fault, it’s theirs” approach to solving this problem.
So now they have shown how “serious” they are about only allowing visitors who have been vaccinated into Australia, although it doesn’t seem to make much difference, since Darwin was right. It’s survival of the fittest viruses, they have to pretend to stop him and show how committed they are to the public’s safety, ergo “reelect me, I need the money and power.”
As his expensive lawyers will soon argue in court that the denial was illegal, I suspect that the judge will be quietly told by those same politicians to overturn the government’s ruling so he will be allowed to play.
The politicians can then blame the judge, citing it’s not their fault, as they were working to protect the Australian public. Hahaha.
The judge will shrug the criticism off, as no-one pays much attention to judges… only politicians.
Business as usual. Australia needs tourist money, so die-hard tennis fans may choose not to visit Australia. That must not happen.
I may be wrong, but we shall see.
So I was right and wrong.
The judge did vote in Djokovic’s favor but then the Immigration Minister Alex Hawke wanted to gain prominence for his political career and overruled the judge, to show how powerful he was. Djokovic was finally deported with a suggestion that he may be let in earlier than three years, the normal visa ban (if he doesn’t say nasty things about the Australian government), and so he can play in the Australian Grand Slam tournament again.
Obviously, the Australian politicians don’t know that there are many Grand Slams, one a quarter so Djokovic will play in those to win his twentieth title. These countries have there own bans in place for foreign nationals so I suggest that Serbia makes Djokovic a “diplomat,” issue him with those special passports, so none of the countries can ban his entry. He can become a good-will diplomat that happens to play tennis.
Australian. Open January – no Djokovic!
French Open. May – June
Wimbledon. June – July
US Open. August – September
Let the childish games continue.
And if you think the Australian political system is good and full of politicians who aren’t stupid, like the self-servants in Washington DC, London and elsewhere, as they are all appearing to be, especially Boris Johnson, the UK prime minister, watch this –
Note: November 17, 2022. Novak Djokovic finally had the ban lifted after many fan complains. Politics as usual.