Did Ukraine bomb Poland to involve NATO?

As you may have read, a rocket landed a few miles inside of the Polish border and killed two people.
Naturally, Zelenskyy (the whiner) immediately claimed that Russia had done it. Why?
He has been making daily efforts to involve NATO so that they will send in troops and directly fight the Russians, rather than his soldiers.
And all the while, he can hide in his bunker begging for more money (I suspect, minus his commission) and shiny new toys.
He forgot that the same US spy satellites that are providing targeting information for the Ukrainians so that they can kill Russians, are also watching all of Ukraine.
So the US knew exactly where that rocket originated from. And it wasn’t the Russians.
That’s why the US stated that they were investigating, but unlikely a Russian missile but likely a Ukrainian rocket that veered off course.
It was an accident. Ha, ha.
The news reported that Zelenskyy insists that Ukrainian investigators be allowed to visit the site to “help.”
I wonder if they plan to plant evidence, such as a metal plate – Made in the Russian Federation, or a business card from (Ras)Putin to provide “irrefutable proof.”
Perhaps they want to remove the Made in Ukraine plate if they can find it before the Polish do. I suspect, too late.
Zelenskyy will do anything to get NATO into the fight, that will precipitate World War III! And then we all die.
So now that the Ukrainian electrical grid is finally being destroyed, the Ukrainian military will be left blind since electricity is one of the most important needs and the Russians will eventually win.
They don’t give up.
Does Zelenskyy care that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have died in this power scuffle. I doubt it.
If Zelenskyy would have run for it, as expected, like the president of Afghanistan did, few of the many thousands of civilians would have died.
The whining will continue until he runs for it to the U.S., that won’t ask any awkward questions about why he is so rich.
Why not? Because they are in bed with Zelenskyy and if he is found out, as they are so busy licking his boots that their reelection chances will drop to zero. They won’t let that happen.
We shall see.