Dead elephants, part II

If you want to be saddened about how African poachers are indiscriminately killing elephants, rhinos and anything else that moves to make a lot of money, listen to this new podcast from the BBC. Here’s the link.
I have written about this travesty before and suggested an idea that will help resolve this issue, create enormous good will in Africa and save these marvelous animals from being slaughtered. It’s titled – Finally… a good use for our drones.
In essence, the poachers are killing these animals using machine guns and RPGs! They fly into the game preserves in helicopters, massacre whatever they see, land, use chainsaws to cut off the horns and tusks and then fly away.
The local game wardens are outgunned and defenseless. The poachers must laugh at how ineffective they are.
So what do we offer the respective governments? Predator and Reaper drones, armed with missiles.
With just a few dozen dead poachers the others will realize that they are also defenseless, not just the animals. If that is not the complete solution, special forces can be deployed as well with the African governments’ agreements.
It will be good jungle training for these soldiers and their job should be easy. If our government asks for volunteers, I’m sure that the soldiers who are animal lovers will put their hands up quickly.
If the local authorities make sure that the results of poaching are well publicized, it will stop or be at least minimized. If the poachers keep at it, they’ll all be dead and the problem will be solved that way.
Our country will be lauded globally as the savior of these decimated animals and people will actually start to like the United States again. Imagine that!
As an aside, you probably don’t know, but China has finally established in first foreign military base.
Where? Where else – Africa.
The Chinese need the African natural resources to power their enormous manufacturing businesses. Why else do you think that the Chinese build schools, railroads and hospitals in Africa while we drop bombs? No, it isn’t because they are feeling benevolent.
It’s all business.
Our nation is in trouble. We lack good will from other countries. They think that Washington is insane. They are right, and while Washington squabbles like children , the Chinese are taking over.
Sadly, just like in the Titanic movie where the middle class were locked below deck while the rich got off the sinking ship, that’s happening to you.
It must change… now.