China’s next move

As you know the west, under US direction, is sanctioning anything and everything Russian. The (what passes for a) plan is to force Russia to withdraw from Ukraine since Russia did not like nuclear weapons being placed on its border, once Ukraine joined NATO as President Zelenskyy was anxious to do.
That plan will likely fail. Why?
I think China (that has blown its chance to take Taiwan while the west was distracted with Ukraine) will pay Russia’s bills with US dollars. Why? Because China uses a huge amounts of energy making toys for the west, something that the west cannot live without. So China, if it has any sense, and it does unlike the self-centered fools in Washington, will buy oil, gas and other natural resources from Russia at a substantial discount from market levels.
Plus they can provide the latest Chinese weapons for a decent profit, and test them on the battlefield as the US and British companies are doing, without the profit.
They will be delivered by land over its shared border and by sea. By sea, the tankers will have Chinese naval escorts so allied ships will not be able to stop them and China will become even closer allies with Russia than they are now.
It’s called the law of unintended consequences.
It’s an example of the ongoing unbelievably bad US foreign policy, sixty years in the making. We love proxy wars where foreign soldiers and that country’s civilians do the dying. Bad for the Ukrainian public during this one, but good for the politicians in Washington who, when retired from keeping their faces in the public money trough, I suspect, will become “consultants” to the US weapons manufacturers for million dollar annual advisory contracts. What a surprise.
President Zelenskyy, in his military outfit, just spoke to the US Congress over Zoom or similar to beg for a no-fly zone. He echoed 9/11, Pearl Harbor and Martin Luther King! When he gave a similar speech to the German government, he used the Berlin Wall pitch. I’m sure if he speaks to Israeli government, he’ll talk about the Holocaust!
If President Biden has any sense (the jury is out) he will continue to refuse. Why? As the Ukrainian military airfields are no-doubt destroyed, or will be, the Ukrainian pilots will have to fly from a NATO country. They will be fueled, rearmed and maintained there so those airfields will become legitimate targets for Russian retaliation. So that’s how WW3 may begin!
And so the slippery slope gets even more slippery. Much more slippery.
You’ll note that when we lost the war in Afghanistan and the Taliban fighters approached Kabul, that the puppet president ran for it, with reported suitcases full of fresh $100 bills. That money was supposed to be used to bribe Afghan tribal leaders to support the puppet government, but was just stolen. I’m sure that the CIA knew that, but the “war” in Afghanistan was just a charade, and provided job security.
Both the people and city of Kabul were spared and the Taliban took over. Ukraine is different, and large numbers of innocent civilians have been killed as President Zelenskyy decided to fight, or more accurately have other Ukrainians do the fighting for him while he sits in his bunker and begs for an escalation.
While the west is complaining about starving Ukrainians, they are remarkably disinterested in the starving Afghans since the United States has seized $7 billion of Afghan assets and won’t allow it, at this time, to be used to ship food and medicine to Afghanistan. Why? Because the Taliban won! Some western aid is being provided, but not enough.
We shall see what happens.
Stupidity in action.