Border wall nonsense

So the outgoing governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey is determined to continue his political career probably as a federal senator from Arizona by wasting huge amounts of Arizona taxpayers money. Way to go, business as usual.
He has ordered the stacking of two 8.5 foot high shipping containers in a line to supposedly block people in Mexico from entering the U.S..
Really? Yes, really, really, really.
That, and he is being sued by the U.S. for erecting these eye sores on federal land. Does he care, since Arizona taxpayers will pay the legal bills and fines and he won’t pay a penny? I don’t think so.
You can read the articles, here and here.
Just check out these portable telescoping ladders that can be carried like a backpack, extended to close to the top of this “barrier” and by using wire cutters, can remove the razor wire… and perhaps allow border crossers to have a picnic atop of the containers while looking for the border patrol, much easier from this elevation?
Perhaps they’ll have nice views from on top while eating delicious tacos and drinking cervezas?
They then use a second ladder to descend on the U.S. side, or just use a knotted rope.
Check out the Home Depot Coyote ladder special here. They are sold in different sizes to accomdate walls of different heights. The shorter the ladder, the less they weigh and if the Coyote has to carry a portable saw to cut through our alleged, impenetrable border wall, weight is important.
Or even easier, they just go around these obstacles and walk through like before.
I’m sure that the Coyotes will charge a premium for this “service” and will take the ladders away after use. It’s called incremental revenue.
Way to go, governor. You are well suited to politics, where stupidity is a virtue.
On the other hand, he will loudly proclaim that he was defending Arizona, but what he is really defending is his ongoing political career.
There is only one way to stop illegal entry and it has nothing to do with useless walls. They are just political theater.
They only way to stop the influx is to fine people in the U.S. who hire illegals. When given enough publicity in the local media, they will stop, fearing hefty fines. And the people will stop coming.
That’s the solution, not rediculous walls.
Postscript – December 22. What a suprise! It’s just been reported that Governor Ducey has agreed to remove everything, at a total cost of over $80 million Arizona taxpayers money! Good for his political career. Bad for the public. Read about it here or here from the BBC.