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Does it strike you as odd that the two key players running our nation’s foreign policy, CIA Director, General Petraeus and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton both failed to testify to the single committee investigating the attack in Libya?

As you may know, General Petraeus was caught after having an affair with Paula Broadwell, and Secretary Hillary Clinton had a fortunate bout of stomach flu, then a “concussion” and is holed up in her house until after the hearings.

It wouldn’t be good for her future political prospects to be chastised after being forced to testify under oath, pending her resignation/retirement as Secretary of State next month, and her likely run for president in four years.

So rather than wait until they could interview both, under oath, the committee talked to lower level employees and found that no one was responsible for the lack of security to protect our diplomats. Secretary Clinton immediately agreed with every conclusion that the committee made, which made me think that she wanted Benghazi to just go away. What a surprise!

In my election campaign, I said that we need three independent investigative committees when we have a serious incident, all acting in secret so that the public finds out the truth and not what a single committee chooses to release.

Four people resigned, although I suspect will be quietly reemployed as consultants or similar within a few months, after the public’s interest in Benghazi fades.

Politics 101: distract, defocus and hide. In a short time, the public will forget and focus on a new disaster.