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First a disclaimer. Naturally, as a Republican candidate I will find fault with President Obama. On the other hand, facts speak louder than rhetoric. But I will admit that the previous Republican presidential disaster, George W. Bush set “The Descent” in motion.

In life, you’re dealt your cards and you have to work with them the best you can. As a Democrat president, President Obama knew what he was getting into. So “The Descent” continues even faster.

President Obama took office in January 2009. Here are some facts –

There were 117 million people employed as on January 2009, now there are 114 million with jobs. Three million jobs are either gone or unfilled. I suspect gone.

Real wages have not increased if you actually have one of those jobs. So if you’re lucky enough to have a job, don’t look for a pay raise.

The National Debt was $10 trillion. It’s just past $16 trillion today. That’s an increase of six million, million dollars. A lot of money. We will not discuss billions in the future. Chump change. A trillion is the new billion.

Gas was $1.85. As you know it’s about $3.89 for regular today.

The S&P stock index was 950. It’s 1,400. That’s good news for companies and investors. If you pump $6 trillion into the economy it has to go somewhere.

Our Gross Domestic Product, GDP was $12.85 trillion. It’s now $13.5 trillion. That’s good, but what happened to that $6 trillion debt increase? Where did the money go? Federal government spending increased from $2.983 trillion to an expected $3.796 trillion at the end of the year.

Finally, black household incomes dropped 11.5% since January 2009. White households dropped 5.2%, neither with an inflation adjustment. Are you making more or less than in January 2009?

And finally speaking of inflation, you would need $1.07 to buy what $1.00 bought in 2009. Even worse, since 2000, the beginning of the “Golden Century for the United States,” you’d need $1.33 to buy what you could buy in 2000 for $1.00!

Are you better off?