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Watch this and tell me if you think that President Obama is deluding himself? I suspect that he has far too many yes men and women around him.

He’s living the dream. Literally.

Here’s another dream sequence, starting at 1:20, the very end of this clip –

Finally, President Obama is doing back flips (with our soldiers lives) to avoid being remembered as the president who lost the war in Afghanistan. How?

It’s called passing the hot potato. He’s pushing off our troop withdrawal to the next president. What most people understand is that the Taliban’s home is in Afghanistan, so they aren’t going anywhere no matter what games we play.

As in Vietnam when we left, South Vietnam collapsed. So will Afghanistan. It’s just a matter of which president gets the blame.

Few people know about the release of classified information in which President Nixon blocked ending that war in 1968 by asking our enemies not to negotiate in good faith with President Johnson! Read this BBC article. So our soldiers suffered for politics and which politician looked good.

That’s why so many documents are classified for fifty years or more. If the public knows about what our government is doing “on their behalf”  at that time they would be very upset. So they are classified as secret until no one (except the families) care any more.

If the story is accurate and the Paris Peace Accord meetings would have ended the war in 1968, over 21,000 American soldiers would not have died.

Our soldiers belong here; that’s their home. Eventually we’ll give up in Afghanistan, like the Russians, and bring them home.

How many of our soldiers will die in the meantime I do not know. But one is too many to accommodate, Mr. Obama’s delusions of leadership, victory and popularity.

It’s getting worse, and it isn’t even 2018 yet.