How President Trump can GUARANTEE his reelection in November



As you know it’s a neck and neck race with President Trump and Kamala Harris.

I suspect that there is a plan for President Biden to stand down after the November election, before he falls down, that is being actively worked on. If Harris loses, then Biden will pardon his son (what a surprise) and then step down so Kamala Harris can at least claim to be the first female president of the U.S., although for just a month or so.

Perhaps she’ll get a presidential pension, since money is ALWAYS on the minds of our politicians. What a surprise!

To illustrate just how quickly President Biden is deteriorating, I believe that his staff started to tell him that he was senile and needed to exit the race. I think that he thought that they were telling him to visit Egypt so he could “see the Nile?” Based on his “performance” in his debate with Trump at least he won’t have to write his name on the palm of his hand, so he can “remember” it.

Both Trump and Harris have been playing one upmanship by giving away future money to buy votes, regardless of the ever spiralling national debt as that, from a political point of view doesn’t really matter.

What matters is winning.

So here’s how President Trump will be re-elected in November. Guaranteed, and so simple…

As you know the median price of a home in the U.S. is about $425,000. So after a down payment, the first time home buyers still have a high $300’s mortgage and although interest rates have recently dropped due to the Federal Reserve, the monthly payments are still high.

One key reason that the home prices are so high is because many homeowners are “trapped” in their low interest rate mortgages and that they will send a huge amount of their potential profits to the IRS. That stops many of them from listing and selling their homes.

What Mr. Trump can offer, if he wins (and he will) since there is a huge number of voters who will really like his offer –

He will say… “If I win in November, you will not pay a dime in capital gains taxes on your home sale profits during my first year in office. And each year thereafter, you’ll get a 90, 80 and 70% exclusion for the duration of my presidency.”

How many of the vast number of voting homeowners will not like that? NONE. So even the Democrats will vote for him. Perhaps while holding their noses, but vote they will and not tell anyone. Remember, the ballots are secret.

In California, for example, if you bought a house for $200,000 many years ago, the owner could almost certainly sell it for more than a million dollars. So getting an eight hundred thousand dollar, non taxable profit will push a huge number of California homeowners to sell their homes. So, believe it or not, California may actually vote Republican! And it will be a landslide victory for Trump.

And, suddenly there will be a lot more homes on the market. And due to supply and demand, prices will soften and help first time homebuyers get on the property ladder, the traditional method of becoming wealthy.

So will Mr. Trump do this? Or just let tips be tax free, (yawn) as offered by both candidates, so meaningless in acquiring votes for either side.

We shall see.

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