$100 trillion dollars

I have been feeling generous recently and giving away One Hundred Trillion dollar, Federal Reserve notes and just sent a text message to one of the recipients –
“… You can now buy Georgia and Florida, pay off the national debt and buy all of the congress people in Washington.”
Then I thought for a moment, and added another quick text –
“Ooops, they aren’t for sale. They’ve already been bought and paid for.”
Although joking, it’s sadly based on fact. The problem we have is that really everybody thinks that their representative or senator is okay, but the rest are bad. So everyone keeps voting the same people in and over again. Over ninety percent are reelected election after election. That’s how it’s designed to work as federal pensions aren’t vested for five years, so our politicians desperately need to stay with their heads buried in the money trough for at least that long. And they do.
If you think your guy is okay, read this swamp article. You won’t think so after.
So nothing will change. Big Pharma will continue to try to get everybody in our country on drugs from cradle to grave; you’ll continue to borrow money buying stuff until you risk bankruptcy and lose everything after losing your job; our government will fail when we can no longer just print money via selling Treasury securities to cover our spiraling debts and China will take over.
The only good news (at least from their perspective) is that our politicians are becoming richer and richer (although you’re probably going in the opposite direction) and we will continue our global wars in the name of national defense.
In other words providing strong revenue streams to the defense industry which needs the wars to make lots of money.
The bomb and rocket makers need to make new bombs and rockets to stsy profitable. So our government finds ways to use them, so they will always need more.
First create the enemy, then spend trillions fighting open-ended wars forever. Why the Department of Defense’s name hasn’t been changed to the Department of War I don’t know. It’s a lot more accurate.
Here’s a partial list of where our soldiers are quietly fighting – Afghanistan, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Yemen. Most are classified as advisory roles to fool the public. I’m sure that there are more, lot’s more.
Very, very sad.